Built-Form Services

Scheme by-laws (Management Statement)

Developed can assist in the drafting and coordination of scheme by-laws for small to medium size strata schemes, being land or built form based. By-laws within schemes can be a useful toll in managing future ongoing contributions to costs along with the general function of the strata scheme which should not be over looked.

Coordinating occupancy

The final stages of any development are of the upmost importance to ensure all the correct documentation is correct to ensure a smooth transition to titles. Developed can assist with coordinating occupancy certificates along with form 15 applications to ensure a smooth titling process. With our house planners and surveyors we can ensure all DA conditions have been met, along with the correct documentation to support the correct applications.

Strata Strategy

Land tenure in Western Australia is often complex with many moving parts. Our team can assist in overall strata strategy during early DA approval stages. One benefit of early engagement is the strata life cycle to obtaining titles can be planned out ensuring any land tenure matters can be delt with throughout the construction phase, rather than at the back end of the project causing delays. This can include, existing strata scheme termination, amalgamations, interest only deposited plans for easements and or future land tenure order of lodgement.